Things to ask me 17.03.23

Things to ask me 

  • This week we have learnt about nocturnal and diurnal animals. Can I remember when nocturnal animals sleep? 
  • Can I name any nocturnal animals? (badgers, foxes, owls, bats, hedgehogs) 
  • Can I remember what we made for the birds in forest school? (bird feeders) 
  • What were some of the items that we used? (tubes, peanut butter, seeds, string) 
  • We have been reading ‘Oi Frog!’ this week – what is special about what all the animals sit on? (they all rhyme!) 
  • Can I remember any of the things that rhyme in the story? 
  • In maths this week we have been taking away. Can I use any items around the house (Lego, beads, pieces of pasta etc.) to work out these number sentences? 

3- 2 = 5 – 3 = 6 – 2 = 8 – 4 = 7 – 5 =  

  • In PE with Mr Rogers we have been doing gymnastics. What were the names of the shapes we made with our bodies? (pencil, tuck, star) 
  • Can you remember any of the animals we moved around like? 
  • What are some of the ways we can look after our world?