Things to ask me 03.03.2023

Things to ask me 

  • We have been learning all about a famous explorer this week, can you tell me his name? (Ernest Shackleton) 
  • Where did he travel to in Antarctica? (the South Pole) 
  • In Forest School, we made dens and pretended that they were a base camp for Ernest Shackleton in Antarctica. What materials did you use? 
  • We started learning about our new topic of animals this week. We sorted them out into animals that fly, walk and swim. Can you remember any of the animals that you sorted? 
  • What did all the animals that can fly have in common? (wings) 
  • And what did all the animals that can swim have in common? (flippers or fins) 
  • In PE with Mrs Davies, we have been working on moving in different ways, making sure we’re looking where we’re going. Can you do ‘sports position?’ (Feet wide, bent knees, hands up) 
  • Why is having wide feet better than keeping them together? (You don’t wobble as much) 
  • In art, we did collaging. What is collaging? (layering paper to get a new effect) 
  • We have been looking at 3D shapes in maths. Which shapes can you remember? 
  • Can you find any 3D shapes around your house or when you’re out and about? 
  • Can you remember any of the fancy words we use to describe the shapes? (Edges, faces, vertices)