PE after Half Term

Dear Parents,

After half term, Reception will be having a second PE session on a Friday. This means that their PE days will now be Wednesday and Friday. We ask that after half term, children can start bringing in PE kits on a Monday, to be sent home on a Friday so that children can get changed for PE in school. We are aware that no other classes get changed for PE in school, however getting dressed independently is a vital skill which we need to assess and develop as part of the children’s early years education.  It will also mean that every child has a change of clothes in school in case of any toileting accidents.

It is our expectation that by the end of the year, all children in Reception should be able to dress and undress themselves independently. We are always happy to help with buttons, zips and laces though! If your child isn’t yet able to dress themselves independently, you could help us by encouraging this skill a little bit more at home. I know that we are all rushed in the morning, so just by getting them to independently dress themselves in a couple of items, then the skill will start to develop really quickly.

Please make sure that ALL items of clothing are labelled, as items are much more likely to end up with the wrong owner if children are getting changed.

Many thanks,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Davies