Year 6 Homework 13.1.23

This term we will slightly change the way we do our homework to give the children more opportunity to practise SATs style questions.

Therefore, I will now give the children a little folder to keep their sheets in.

I will use past SATs papers to select questions based on what we have been learning in class that week.  So this week the children have a sheet of old SATs questions on percentages in their folder.  Please use the percentages page of the revision book to help explain how to work them out.

I will also send a reading comprehension which can be completed on the sheet. I will try to balance it so there is not too much work to do.  So some weeks it may be grammar instead of reading.

We will also be running a homework club every Wednesday lunchtime for any children who either need some support or would just rather a quiet place to do it in school.  Please ensure your child has their folder in school that day if they would like to attend.

Please bring the homework each Friday so that we can go through the answers together and give out the new sheets.

Thank you so much for your support with this.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Giles.