Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas. On behalf of all of the adults in Year 1, thank you so much for all of the kind cards and gifts. They were very much appreciated. I was sorted for things to eat, drink, read and look at over the Christmas break!

Just a few things to draw your attention to:

I have just posted an overview of our learning on this page and on the Year 1 class page which details what we are covering in each subject throughout spring.

PE days are Monday (outdoor, weather permitting) and Friday (indoor).

We are having a Forest School session every other Tuesday. The first one will be next Tuesday (10th Jan). Can your child please wear ‘scruffs’ for this session and bring wellies and a waterproof coat, scarf, gloves etc.? Thanks.

Here are the dates for the Forest School sessions:

10th Jan: Forest School

17th Jan: No Forest School. This will be a DT session so normal uniform please!

24th Jan: Forest School

31st Jan: DT, so normal uniform.

7th Feb: Forest School

14th Feb: DT. Normal uniform.


Snacks should be healthy and ideally fruit or veg please.

Can we politely ask that children do not bring toys into school in the hope that they can do a ‘Show and Tell’?! We will try and build in opportunities for learning-related show and tell sessions but will let you know when these happen. Children are always welcome to bring in achievement certificates and any stories that they write, however!

As always, if you have any concerns, queries or questions, please free to email or catch us at the end of the day (bear in mind, sometimes it is tricky to have a quality conversation at pick-up time!!).

Here’s to an exciting new term, longer days and milder weather!

Ms Vincent