Merry Christmas

Dear All,

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you very much for presents and cards that have been sent in for me, Mrs Howland and Miss Lewis. I would like to personally thank those two other adults for all of their help and support to me and to the children throughout the term.

Thank you very much to all of the parents for their support this term as this has made a big difference for the children.

They have had an excellent first term in Year 5. It has been fantastic to see many of them grow in confidence. There have been many examples of excellent work produced in all subjects. It is also pleasing to see the growing maturity of the children.

A special mention to Niamh and to Hugh.

Niamh was the Platinum Achiever for the term for her excellent attitude and behaviour. This was chosen by the staff in Year 5. Hugh was chosen as pupil of the term by the other children. This was for improvements in all aspects of school. Well done to both.

The work for next term will be posted later in the holidays. This enables you the chance to see what we will be covering.

I hope the children have enjoyed their final week before Christmas even though I am sure some were worried they might not have a ‘Christmasy’ feeling in Year 5.

Merry Christmas

The Grinch