‘Things to ask me’ and the last week of the Autumn Term

It has been a very busy couple of weeks with nativity rehearsals, performances and other festive fun, but we have managed to squeeze in some other learning here and there!! Things you could ask your child:

  • What is the difference between a square and a rectangle? Can you find any squares and rectangles around us now?
  • What are ‘traditions’? What traditions do we have in our family? Do all families have the same traditions as us?
  • Can you see the finger spaces in the sentences in your reading book? Why do we need these spaces? Can you write a short sentence with finger spaces (cat on a mat)?
  • Can you read tricky words: I / no / go / to / the / into?

Next week:

  • There will be no Forest School on Wednesday. Instead, the children will have a Christmas party with Years 1 and 2 in the hall. Please send your child into school in uniform. We ask that they bring party clothes in a named bag for them to get changed into.
  • On Wednesday morning, Miss Roberts will be in to lead an activity and get to know the children before she returns in January.
  • PE as normal on Thursday.
  • On Friday, we invite the children to bring a toy or game from home that they can play with their friends. We ask that they don’t bring anything of huge expense, anything electronic or games that have lots of small parts that could easily get lost. Perhaps they could bring a doll, card game, or something creative. The toys will stay in the classroom for the day and will not go out onto the playground.

Thank you.