Year 6 Homework 2.12.22

This week we have been learning about length in maths.

Please look at the length section (page 36) of the maths revision book and then try the questions at the bottom and the table.  Remember to convert centimetres to metres, divide by 100.  To convert centimetres to millimetres, times by 10

In English, we have been looking at writing our stories in present and then past tense.  Please have a look at Page 34 in your Grammar book and complete the questions on page 35.  You can do this directly into your book.

Please bring your books in next Friday 9th December, to look at these pages together.  If you are unsure at all, please bring your books in and ask me or Mrs Giles before Friday and we can help you.

Please continue to read regularly and make a note of this in your reading record.  Please practise your spellings too.