Nativity costumes for Year 1

All of the Year 1 children are villagers in this year’s nativity play. Please see pictures below for costume ideas. The idea is to keep it simple! An oversized, plain or striped t-shirt works well with a fabric belt or scarf tied around the middle. A waistcoat over the top is not necessary so don’t worry if you don’t have one. In terms of a headdress, a tea towel does the job perfectly! Fabric headbands are great at keeping these in place. Leggings or ‘skinny fit’ trousers can be worn on the bottom to keep little legs warm!

Please send the costumes in as soon as you have them, ensuring that the clothes are named and that they are in a named carrier bag. We will then keep these costumes in school ready for dress rehearsals and then for the performance. Please ensure that your child’s costume is in school by Monday 28th November. You do not need to send shoes with their costume as for safety reasons all children will be in bare feet.  

Please come in and ask if you have any questions about costumes. Also, if you have any animal costumes that you would be able to lend to a child in Year 2 that would be helpful (Please contact Mrs Pittaway or Mrs Crane about this). 

 Many thanks, 

Ms Vincent and Mrs Manna