Year 2 Reading

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, we are really promoting reading at Pontesbury as we value the power that reading can have on a person’s life.

You may find it useful to watch the following short video which demonstrates the level of fluency and accuracy expected by the end of Year 2.

KS1 Reading – Working at the Expected Standard – The Day the Crayons Quit – YouTube

We are trying a new reading incentive in Year 2 to encourage reading at home and a love of books. Once your child has read at home on 7 occasions (for around 10 minutes), they will get a lucky dip prize. This does require adults at home to record when home reading has taken place. A detailed comment isn’t necessary every time, but please make sure each separate reading session is clear by including the date, book/pages read and by signing.

Thank you for your continued support with reading.

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Crane