Spellings and reading

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your efforts for continents day! The children had a fantastic day learning about South America. We did some map work, looked at some landmarks, tasted South American fruits, found out about native animals and had a wonderful alpaca workshop with Mrs Andrew! We also listened to some music and made paper plate llamas too!

I send home spellings on a Friday to be tested the following week. These are differentiated for your child. I join my handwriting on the spelling sheets to encourage the children to do the same. It also helps children to learn by feeling the ‘flow’ of the word when writing it down. I will post the spellings here for anyone who forgot to take their sheet home. Your children have been introduced to ‘spelling tennis’ this week which they may like to share with you.

We encourage the children to read every night, just 10 minutes will help. Being able to read accurately and fluently is so important for your child’s education and as reading is central to everything we do in the classroom, we would appreciate your support on this.


Thank you

Mrs Smout

If you need to get in touch, my email: amanda.smout@ppce.co.uk