Harvest Festival (for staff and pupils only)

October 10, 2022 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Our Harvest festival will take place at St George’s CE Church during the morning on Monday 10th October. This year it will be for staff and pupils only as it is our first time celebrating it as a whole school together at church for a couple of years due to previous Covid restrictions.

Please can children come to school wearing a suitable weather-appropriate coat to walk to and from church.

We are asking for donations in support of Shrewsbury & Rea Valley Food Bank, please see below for a list of items they are particularly short of.

Please can each child bring one item in a bag with them to school on Monday 10th October, as they will then carry their donation with them when we walk to the church. Staff will be unable to carry the children’s donations for them.

If you wish to donate more than one item, the church is open on weekdays daily (9am-5pm) for donations for the food bank. Please can parents drop additional donations off at the donation point in the church.