The end of week 3

Dear Parents,

This is the end of week 3 (not that I am counting!!!!).

This week we started work on shape but then switched to start looking at multiplication and division. We will continue with that next week. To help you to see the sort of things we will be covering I have attached some support sheets, extension sheets and homework sheets.

Extension 1 Extension 4 Homework sheet 3 Homework sheet 4 Support sheet 1 Support sheet 4

Whilst the children were in  Year 4 they were getting ready for a multiplication test. This should stand them in good stead for this. If they have forgotten their tables then they could practise using TT Rockstars.

In English we will continue to look at stories from different cultures.

Next Thursday is going to be the Continents Day. Our class will be looking at a variety of things associated to the continent of Asia. Unfortunately, I won’t be in school for this as I am on a course that day. The children will have a supply teacher. As per the post on the main website the children can come into school in non-uniform that day – wearing something linked to Asia. We spent our time on the computers on Wednesday looking at things to do with Asia so the children should have some ideas.

You might want to ask them about this at the weekend as come Wednesday night they may say they have no ideas!!!!!!!

The vast majority of the children scored really well on their spelling test today so thank you. There were a couple of children, who admitted to not practising them, who didn’t do too well. They have been given two copies of the spellings – one for home and one for school so they should be bringing home a copy tonight. If for any reason they didn’t and then here is a copy week 3. This has to be done as a word document as this site won’t let me load the original file.

Congratulations to Noah who was Golden Achiever and to Hollie who was pupil of the week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Morris