No spellings until next Friday


We’ve had a super first week in Year 1. The children have been amazing at settling in the morning and have been working hard already!

There will be no spellings coming home today. We will start that from next Friday. Your child will have a yellow folder and their spellings will be filed in it. The spellings will be appropriate for your child’s ability. The idea is that the copy that comes home, stays at home and practise happens daily. The only time we need the yellow folder back is on a Friday so that new spellings can be filed in it and your child’s score in the spelling test can be recorded. They will have an identical spelling sheet at school so they can practise every morning here.

There will be a box in the cloakroom labelled ‘reading wallets’ and we shall be encouraging the children to place any reading books that need changing into this box upon coming in in the morning (the whole wallet goes in the box). If you could remind them to put their reading wallet in the box, that would be fab.

A little reminder that it is PE on Monday so PE kits need to be worn.

Thanks for your support,

Ms Vincent and Mrs Manna