‘Things to ask me’ WB 5.9.2022

Well that’s week one complete and what a success it has been! The children have been absolutely fantastic – it has been so lovely getting to know them all properly.

Here are a few things you could ask your child to reflect on their first week at school:

  • Which group/house are you in? (Rowling (Blue), Donaldson (Yellow), Dahl (Red) or Jeffers (Green)?
  • Can you show me the Makaton signing for ‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon’?
  • Can you remember where Pete the Cat went whilst rocking in his school shoes?
  • What prayer do you say at the end of the day? (We fold our hands and softly say, thank you for our lovely day)
  • We have spoken about initial sounds a little bit this week, why not give your child a word and see if they can identify what sound it starts with?

Next week:

  • We will be doing Forest School every Wednesday afternoon starting next week (as long as there are no more thunder storms!). Please bring your child into school in suitable clothing (not uniform) that you don’t mind getting dirty and provide them with a named bag of spare clothes and wellies if you have not already done so. Waterproofs too please! We do have some spares in school so just let us know if your child needs to use these.
  • PE will be every Thursday afternoon and you can bring your child in to school in their PE kit.

I hope you have a lovely, relaxed weekend and I’ll see you next week.

Miss Ockenden