Library day

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is the class library day. The children will spend a session before lunch looking at the books in the library and will have the opportunity of bringing one of these home. This will be able to be kept at home until they wish to change it. They will not be able to choose another book to come home though until the original is returned. There is a large variety of books available. It would be great if you could spend sometime with them tonight talking about books and trying to encourage them to choose a book they will enjoy reading or looking at.

In school today we had our first ICT session and PE lesson.

In ICT we looked at how children can work together to write things at the same time and work as a group. This was on Google Classroom. Some of the children have asked for their own area to be set up so they can continue to work together. I will set this up for any groups that wish to have this.

In PE we working on team building. They had to organise themselves into groups and complete a scavenger hunt. At the end of the session we then talked about how if we had worked as a whole class this would have been better. As the children were then coming in it was lovely to see some of them picking up the jumpers of other children to help the team. This brought a smile to my face. It will be something that we will continue to work on together so that the children can see it is better for all of them if they help each other. That is the theory anyway!!!!!!!!

As always, if there any questions you have then please get in touch.

Mr Morris