Things to ask me for WB 11.7.22

Well, I cannot believe I am writing the last ‘Things to ask me’ of the year! The time seems to have whizzed by.  We have all thoroughly  enjoyed teaching your amazing children in Room 4. We hope you have a fantastic summer and return to school ready to begin the fun and learning again in Year 1.

Some important things before we start.

  • PE is as normal on Monday.
  • The last Forest school session will be on Tuesday not Wednesday next week. This means we can sent home waterproof clothes and wellies on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Your child may come home with their books from this year tonight.  If they don’t, please don’t worry, we have to keep a set of books in school for 1 year as evidence of learning.  They will get them back at the end of Year 1.


Things to ask your child about their learning this week.

  • we have been practising counting in 2,5,10 and we are getting pretty confident with the pattern. Please can you practise counting in 2s to 20, 5s to 50 and 10s to 100.
  • We have been focusing on capital letters.  Have a little look around the house, or while you are out and about for where capital letters are used. Can you draw them with your finger? Can you match lower case and capital letters?
  • We have been talking about our hopes and worries for next year.  Perhaps you could talk about this at home, if you haven’t already.  Look out for a little booklet coming your way next week all about Room 5.
  • This week we have written letters to Ms Vincent and Mrs Manna. We have told them all about ourselves.
  • We have been practising reading and writing the Phase 3 tricky words, they are: I, are, they, into, to, go, no, the, was, my, all, her, she, he, me, be.  we have also practised have.   It would be really useful if the children could continue to review reading and writing these words over the holidays to keep them fresh in their minds.
  • We have been looking at landscapes this week.  We painted our own landscape picture of Pontesford Hill using water colour paints.

Next week we have plenty of fun planned.  As it’s going to be so warm, please can all children bring their water bottles, sun hats and suntan lotion to school.  It is fine to wear shorts and tee shirts on Tuesday but please can the children have long sleeved tops and trousers for Forest School.

I hope you have a wonderful summer,

Mrs Pope x