Next week (Monday 27th June – Friday 1st July)

On Monday, the children will come into school as normal. Lunch choices will be made in the classroom as normal. I will then take them to the hall. They will take their pens, pencils, rulers and water bottles. Mrs. Hilditch will then take them to the Year 6 classroom for activities until just before lunch. They will then return to Year 5.

On Wednesday, we are going to Mary Webb for lots of fun activities. We will leave the primary school for 9:30am and return just after 2:00pm. The children will need to bring in a packed lunch. The children will need to wear their school uniform as we will not be doing P.E. on Wednesday.

On Friday, the children will need to come into school wearing their P.E. kit as we will have the lesson that we miss on Wednesday due to the visit to Mary Webb.

During the course of the week we will be delivering our Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Curriculum as part of the statutory National Curriculum. Extra information about this was posted on the school website last week.