School collections using the Fetching App

Fetching is a free app that allows parents to manage their after-school collections and childcare in a simple and secure way. It lets parents request help with the school run from trusted friends and family chosen by the parent. The app is linked to the school so that we are automatically informed of who will collect your child.

This term starting next week we would like to trial the app throughout school, hopefully helping you and us to streamline the process of after school collections.

We have a strong school community, who we know frequently help each other with the school run, so the aim of this is to simplify this process. It will be easier for you and much more straightforward for us.

Please use this QR code to download the Fetching app

The very helpful lady at Fetching tells me parents also use the app to arrange playdates and dog playdates so if anyone wants a dog play date please let me know! 😁