Year 6 SATs and homework

I will not be sending any homework this week.  Instead, I would like you to finish off any parts of the revision booklets from Easter that you still have left to do or go through your revision books.  Please pick out any areas you still feel unsure of. Please also practise words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.

SATs week – please see the timetable below. Please can all children arrive at 8:45 during this week, so that we can get them settled early and prepared.

Key Stage 2 SATs Timetable  9th-12th May 2022

Test Time
Monday 9th May Spelling Punctuation Grammar

Paper 1


45 minutes


Spelling Punctuation Grammar

Paper 2



15 minutes approximately 
Tuesday 10th May Reading 60  minutes


Wednesday 11th May Maths 


Paper 1

30 minutes






Paper 2

40 minutes


Thursday 12th May Maths 


Paper 3

40 minutes