Welcome back!!

Hello Room 4!

I hope you are looking forward to coming back to school tomorrow.  We are all really looking forward to seeing your lovely, smiley faces.

I have a few photos for you to have a little look at. During the holidays we had a little move around. Have a look and see what you think.  We will show you around properly tomorrow.

Our PE days are still on a Tuesday and Thursday so make sure you are wearing your school PE kit on those days.  You will need water to drink and, as the weather is getting warmer, you may want to bring in a sun hat or cap to help keep you cool.  Make sure everything has your name in it.

Our Forest School day is still on a Wednesday. You will need to wear a long sleeve top and trousers to school. Nothing too posh please.

We will continue to change  your reading books on a Monday and Thursday but bring your reading wallets everyday so that we can hear you read.

Have a lovely evening and we will see you bright and ready for a new challenge tomorrow.

Mrs Pope x