Home learning 5.4.22


Today in maths, we have been learning to tell the time to the hour, reading o’clock times. Discuss with an adult how, when the long/big hand points to the 12 on an analogue clock, it is always ‘something’ o’clock. Can you write the times underneath each of the clocks? Some of the questions are asking you to draw the hands on the clock, pointing at the right numbers. Try to get into the habit of drawing the long hand so it covers the 12. It helps if it is noticeably longer than the short hand!


We looked again at Do the Animal Bop and continued to learn one of the animal verses off by heart, reading with expression. We also talked about where the rhyming words are in the verses and hunted for alliteration and onomatopoeia. Use the poem to finish the verses. The first page contains more verses, so complete this one if you want a challenge! Do the Animal Bop complete


Today, the class were talking about the differences between people and how differences are good! Can you think of 3 things that are the same or similar about you and your friends? And 3 things that may be different? For example, you all belong to Pontesbury Primary School but maybe you have different coloured hair from one another!

Have a super day.