Home learning 1.4.22


In maths today, we were practising our addition skills and working out missing number problems. Using pictures may help you solve the number sentences on the sheet but you may also want to use equipment that you have at home. missing-number-addition-within-10-activity-sheet


We started today with our spelling test. Ask an adult to read each of your spelling words in turn. Can you write each one without peeking?! As it was the whole school quiz today, we didn’t have a full English lesson. See if you can answer these quiz questions though!

  1. Name the 5 main senses.
  2. In which season are baby animals usually born?
  3. True or false: In winter, the sun rises earlier in the morning and sets later in the evening meaning that the days are long.
  4. What is the word that describes an animal that eats both meat and plants?
  5. Say two things that we have now that the Tudors did not have.
  6. What colour were Tudor houses?
  7. Did Tudor children go to school?
  8. What did Tudor people do with bath water after they had used it?

Enjoy some time today looking for, and reading or listening to, poems that you may have at home. This is a great website which you may find helpful: https://childrens.poetryarchive.org/


This afternoon is PE. Go for a walk (wrap up warm!!) or enjoy this yoga routine: https://cosmickids.com/video/the-wizard-of-oz/