Work for Friday

Good morning to everyone at home,  I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, even if it is a little chilly.

This morning we are going to look at our beautiful world.  We are going to discuss where the Arctic and Antarctic are.  What the weather is like around the equator and just how much water is on our planet.  We are going to use Google Earth to explore our planet. You could think about the animals that live in the cold habitats and those that live in the hot habitats.  Here is the link.

Google Earth

We are going to paint our world on paper plates but a piece of paper would be just as lovely, you could always add some collage materials.

You may want to watch this for more inspiration.


In our Letters and Sounds we are going to practise the Reception tricky words: to, go, no, the, I, was, my, she, be, me.

You could write them with a paintbrush and water or chalk in the garden or on a whiteboard if you have one, you could even paint them.  The choice is yours.

Here is a story you might enjoy. It’s one of my favourites!


This afternoon is our Child Initiated time.  Plan something that you would like to do, then do it!

I hope you have a lovely weekend and we are all looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday.

Mrs Pope x