Home learning 31.3.22


Today, we were looking at patterns in numbers and using these patterns to help us to complete addition and subtraction number sentences. If you had 6 teddies, how many more would you add to make 6? 0! How about if you had 5 teddies? How many more do you need to add to make 6 in total? Use teddies or soft toys to find the answers to these questions:








Do you see any patterns in the numbers? Discuss this with an adult.

Now see if you can answer the questions on the sheet. If you have enough soft toys, they could help you with this!



We have been looking at alliteration today. Can you find examples of alliteration in these poems? https://www.classroompoems.com/alliteration-poems.html

Choose a sound to work with today. It could be any sound but you need to be able to think of an animal beginning with that sound/letter, an adjective, a verb and a noun all containing that sound. Here’s an example if I chose ‘b’:

animal: bird

adjective to describe the animal: beautiful

verb: building

noun: branch

Now, put the words in a sensible order to write a full sentence. Mine would be

The beautiful bird was building on the branch.


We heard the Creation story today, both in class and in assembly. Watch the story Creation Story (up to 2:11) and then discuss with an adult what happens on each of the days. In class we acted this out in small groups. Can you draw a picture or write about what happens on each of the days using this sheet? Creation_worksheet