Work for Wednesday 30th March

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

We had a message from whatever nocturnal creature laid the eggs in our garden.  The message told us that it had sparkly skin, strong wings and sharp teeth but we still don’t really know what the creature looks like.

This morning I’d like you to draw, paint or collage what we think the creature looks like. Then label it. You can always email me a picture of your ideas so I can show everyone here.

In Letters and Sounds we are looking at a new sound.  The digraph ‘ow’ like cow.

How many words can you think of with the ‘ow’ digraph in?

You could have a go at this roll and read activity. Make sure you get a dice and colouring pens ready.  Roll the dice, subitize the number!  Choose a word from the correct row. If you read it correctly you can colour it in.

ow roll and read

This afternoon is our Forest School afternoon.  We are going to be guiding a partner around the Gruffalo Wood blindfolded.  Perhaps you could do this around your garden, if it is safe to do so!!

Here is a story to enjoy when you have a spare 5 minutes. snuggle up, you could even make yourself a reading den, and enjoy it.

See you soon.

Mrs Pope x