Year 2 Home Learning for 29.3.22

For children who are well enough to complete their work…

Maths- Learn to confidently count in twos and solve multiplications by 2. e.g. 5×2 by counting in twos until you have five fingers. (See sheets attached and focus on the multiplications only)

English- KS1 English: Jack and the Beanstalk – BBC Teach Watch episodes 1-8 in turn and discuss what happened in each episode using the questions on the document attached. Order the pictures on the document attached to help retell the story so far using ‘story style’ language.

History- Farming through time. Research what farming was like in the Victorian times. Find out about jobs on the farm (including in the dairy), tools and equipment that was used and about animals and crops. You could make a poster.

Reading and spellings.

Take care,

Mrs PIttaway


Jack and the Beanstalk 29.3.22