Work for 29th March

Hello all you lovely people at home!

Here is your work for tomorrow.


Something amazing happened in school today, some mysterious eggs appeared!  We don’t know where they came from, who laid them and why they are here but we are hoping to find some answers.  We have written our questions down so that we may get a few answers.    Have a think at home, you might want to know what kind of animal laid them or why they are so sparkly. Can you have a go at writing a couple of questions yourself?  Remember we have been practising using capital letters, finger spaces between words and question marks.

In our Letters and Sounds today we looked at the digraph ‘ur’.  As usual, here is a little song to help us remember this sound.



Can you make a list of ‘ur’ words?  We found quite a few in school.

We did our daily mile so perhaps you can see how many times you can run around your garden or how many star jumps you can do, if you feel up to it.

This afternoon we had a bit of an arty afternoon.  First we looked at some pictures of the animals we saw on Friday and we had a go at sketching them just using pencil.  We had lo make sure we looked carefully at the animal and drew it nice and big so we could add all the detail we saw.  Here are some pictures.  If you don’t want to draw these animals, you could use books to find your favourite animal and draw that instead.

animal man pictures.

We also drew some eggs and used water colour paints to add patterns to them.  We mixed the colours carefully and used stripes, dots and shapes to create patterns.

I hope you have a lovely day today. Let me know how you get on, my email is:

Mrs Pope x