Home learning for 23.3.22


Yesterday, the children were looking at how addition facts can be used to work out subtraction facts. For example, if we know that 2+3=5, then 5-2 must be 3! Use counters or similar to work out the answers to the addition number sentences and match each one to the right shield. Then, work out which of the subtraction number sentences would go with each addition. Your practical equipment will help you to see this! Calculation Rescue


The children were looking at adding ‘ed’ to a verb to change it from present tense to past. For example: Today I walk. Yesterday, I walked. Have a watch of this short video: adding ‘ed’ Can you write down the past tense versions of these verbs and read them to an adult? You will hear that sometimes ‘ed’ at the end makes a ‘t’ sound, sometimes a ‘d’ sound and sometimes an ‘id’ sound.






Next, put each one in a sentence using a capital letter and full stop.


The children were learning about life in the Tudor times and how people were not quite so hygienic as we are today! Start by ‘visiting’ this Tudor town and make notes about what you see: Tudor town What do you see that is different from life now? How might life have been quite difficult back then? (lack of electricity, smoky etc.) Ask an adult to read you some of the information on this website and write down three new facts! hygiene in Tudor times

Have a lovely day.