Home learning 18.3.22

Here are some activities for those having to self-isolate.


In maths today, we have been looking at how kitchen scales work and reading them to say how many kilograms something is. Have a go at this online game, reading the scale every time you weigh something. What number is the ‘hand’ pointing to? Then, read the question and click on the item which is either heavier or lighter each time. weighing game

If you have some kitchen scales at home, why not see if you can make the hand on them point to 100g, 200g and so on, by weighing different items from around your house?


We started English today with our spelling test. Ask an adult to read out each one of the spelling words. Can you write each one, without peeking?! See how many you got right and well done if you are a super speller!

We then thought about the characters of the witch and the dragon from ‘Room on the Broom’ and came up with some good adjectives to describe each of them. We put these words into sentences. Can you write two sentences about the witch and two sentences about the dragon? Here is a sheet with pictures of the characters on: Room on the Broom characters


This afternoon, we will be using the laptops to program the wolf to visit each of the little pigs’ houses, using directions such as ‘forward’ and ‘turn’. You may already have had a turn at this last week but, if you have, see if you can put all of the commands into the box and then press ‘start’ to see if the wolf follows visits each of the houses correctly! You’ll need to click on ‘advanced’ to do it this way. This is quite tricky! direct the wolf

Have a lovely weekend!