FREE Bikeability cycle training for year 6 (Monday 16th – Thursday 19th May)

Just some advance notice that the year 6 children will have the opportunity to have FREE cycle training (level 1 and 2) in school during the week commencing Monday 16th May.  This is practical training on how to be a safer road user and learning the rules of the road.

The children need to be relatively confident cyclists as Level 1 skills will be taught on the playground, but Level 2 skills will require them to cycle on quiet local roads (carefully supervised by all the Bikeability staff as always).

If your child cannot yet ride a bike, please practise with them during the Easter holidays if you get a chance. If they are still struggling after Easter, please contact the school as it may be possible for Bikeability to arrange some basic training so they don’t miss out on the Level 1 & 2 training later in May.

It is essential the children have a roadworthy bike and cycle helmet that fits securely.  (Please contact school if your child does not already own a bike and we will ask Bikeability if they are able to loan your child a bike to use during the training).

The letter and consent form will be sent out nearer the time for parents to complete and return to school – but for more information a copy can be read here – Bikeability letter for parents 2022

Here are some useful links from the Bikeability website about what the training covers:

Bikeability Level 1 – Maintain your cycle, Glide and Control your bike

Bikeability Level 2 – Start & stop, Passing vehicles & Understand the road