Things to ask me for WB 7.3.22

Well it has been another busy week in Room 4.  Here are some things you could ask your children about their learning this week.

  • What is a habitat? (a place where an animal or plant lives)
  • What is a baby sheep, pig or duck called? If you want to challenge your children further you could ask what a baby whale, horse or elephant is called.
  • Can you describe what is a rainforest like?
  • We have been finding ‘one less than’ this week. Can you find one less than  5,  8  or 9.  If you want a challenge, try finding one less than 19, 16 or 12.
  • Can you show me a way to make 5 on one hand? Can you show me a way to make 5 on 2 hands? Can you show me another way?
  • we have been looking at blending words for reading this week. Here are some games we are really good at if you’d like to have a go at home.

Buried Treasure (

User name: PPS1

Password:  apple

we have focused on phase 3 and you can choose which set from the ones shown below.  Feel free to recap any sounds in phase 2 as well.


Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.

Mrs Pope