A day to raise money for British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal – 15 March

Dear parents/carers

Like many schools across the world, staff and pupils would like to support the humanitarian aid that the British Red Cross are providing to help support those people suffering in Ukraine.

To provide opportunity for staff, parents and our community to donate money, we plan to have a bake sale on Tuesday 15th March at the end of school, with cakes selling at 50p each or per slice.

If you wish to take part, children can bring in cakes for the sale in the morning, either made or shop bought, and they will be on sale at the end of the day outside room 2.

Any remaining cakes will be available for pupils during the following breaktimes with any additional donations they wish to provide.

We would also like to encourage everyone to wear something blue and yellow on Tuesday. This could be, as well as their school uniform, yellow hair ribbons, socks, wrist bands etc. or instead of uniform, yellow and blue clothes.

There is no expectation to do this; it is entirely up to the individual and it is not a non-uniform day. Please be reminded that nothing should be bought especially for this activity and all items or clothes must be yellow and/or blue.

Throughout the day, our purpose and focus will be about thinking about others in difficult circumstances and will not involve discussions about the atrocities being committed! The day will be similar to the way we support other charities throughout the year.

Mr Langford