Things to ask me for the week beginning 28.2.22


Things to ask me 

Week beginning 4.3.22

  • What is our new topic for this half term? (Animals)
  • What is our brand new roleplay area? (a jungle vets)
  • what is the action for the trigraph ‘igh’ (a salute and in igh igh captain)
  • can you think of any words with the ‘igh’ sound in? (night, light, right, lightning, knight etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that walk? (elephant, dog etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that fly? (blackbird, wasp etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that swim? (shark, goldfish etc)
  • show me a way to make 5 using your fingers. Can you show me another way? Can you show me another way? You can ask this for other numbers too.
  • This week we have been talking about worries. What can you do if you have a worry? (share it with a grown-up you trust)
  • Can you name one ingredient that you would use if you made pancakes?
  • Why do Christians make pancakes (to use up all the nice food before Lent begins)
  • Where did Jesus go for 40 days and nights (desert)

It has been another busy week in Room 4 and the children have, as always, been amazing.

Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 ee, igh Was, the, to, into