Home learning 1.3.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


Today, we have been counting in fives. ‘Splat’ the multiples of 5 on the 100 square and talk about the pattern you notice. Paint the Squares

Now use the pattern to help you fill in the missing numbers.


Today, we continued to look at different Julia Donaldson stories and looked specifically for rhyme. Have a look in a Julia Donaldson book (use the online stories from yesterday’s post if you do not have any of her books at home). Ask an adult to read a short extract for you. Can you hear any rhyming words? Where do these words tend to be? (At the end of a line) See what rhyming words you can find and write these down.


We have continued to look at alternative spellings of the ‘ee’ sound. Enjoy sorting the words using this online activity. Look at how many different ways to spell this sound there are! Alternative spellings for ee

User: pps1, password: apple


Today is PE with Crossbar. Go on a lovely walk with an adult or enjoy a favourite activity in the garden. You may want to take part in this yoga routine: Sonic the Hedgehog yoga

Have a lovely day. x