Home learning 28.2.22

Hi everyone. Here are the activities for today for those having to self-isolate.


Our maths today involved counting in twos. Start by ‘splatting’ the numbers you say when you count in twos: Paint the Squares

Now fill in the missing numbers in the sequences below. You may want to keep ‘Paint the Squares’ open whilst you do this so that you can see the multiples. Watch out for the sequences that go backwards!


Today, we started to look at our new unit of stories by the author Julia Donaldson. Do you know any books that she has written? Maybe you have some in your house! If not, enjoy listening to these stories: The Gruffalo  Room on the Broom

Do you notice anything that’s similar about the different Julia Donaldson stories? In class we talked about the fact that lots of her books have animals in them and woodland settings. We also noticed that Axel Scheffler’s name is on the front of many of Julia’s books. Who do you think he may be?

If you could ask Julia Donaldson three questions about her books or to find out more about her, what would you ask? See if the children in this video ask your question in this interview! After you have watched it, tell an adult two new facts that you have learnt about Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson interview


Today, we have been talking about the five different senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. The children took part in different activities which were designed to ‘test out’ each of the senses. Have a go at these:

Hearing: Listen to each of the sounds and tell an adult what you hear. Pause the video whilst you do this and then continue watching to find out what the answer is! Guess the Sound

Sight: Look at the part of the picture that is shown. What do you think each one is? Write your answer underneath. Then, have a look at the full picture to see if you were right! senses investigation what can I see

Smell: For this, you will need an adult to collect a few different things for you to smell. Remember, you only want to use your sense of smell so you may need to close your eyes if seeing the item is a major clue! In class, I used mainly essential oils and covered the labels. I used eucalyptus, mandarin, lemon as well as curry powder and hot chocolate powder. Coffee and lavender would work well too.

Touch: Ask an adult to put a few different (familiar) items in a bag (I used a PE kit style bag but even a carrier bag would do). Without looking, feel around inside the bag and describe each item in turn. Is it smooth? Rough? What shape is it? See if you can guess what each one is before pulling it out to reveal it.

Taste: This was the favourite activity! There were five different sorts of crisps which were each placed in plastic tubs numbered 1-5. The children then had to guess the flavour of the crisp by ‘sampling’ the crisps. I used similar looking crisps so that the only real difference was the flavour. You could do this with fruit very easily: cut up a small piece of a few different fruits and see if you can identify what you are eating. Do not peek!

Have a fun day everyone and see you soon. x