Home learning 17.2.22


Today, we have been looking at the differences between 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Start by watching the 2D video: 2D shapes 

How are 3D shapes different from 2D shapes? Well, a 3D shape is made up of 2D shapes! Have a watch of this clip: 3D shapes

Remember that a 2D shape is flat and a 3D shape is fat! Can you match the shape names to the correct shape? 2D and 3D shapes


We have been looking at what a glossary is today. Do you have an information book that has a glossary? See if you can find one. Have a look at how the words are arranged. What do you notice? Can you see how they are arranged alphabetically? Arrange these words into alphabetical order:







Now see if you can write a short meaning for each word to explain what each one means. You may need some adult help as a couple of these are tricky!


What can you remember about what a gurdwara is? Who goes there and what sorts of things happen there? Watch the video and then see if you can write three rules for how to behave in a gurdwara. What do you do when you first enter the gurdwara? What must you keep covered? Is it ok to sit with your feet pointed at the holy book? No!

Visiting a gurdwara


Today, we have been discussing how things move. What things in your house have a handle that you need to turn? See if you can find three things (such as a door handle or taps). Why do we need to be able to turn these handles?

You may want to print off ONE of these animals (careful – there are 8 on this document!) and attach the different body parts using split pins if you have them. Alternatively, you can attach the parts using a small piece of thread so that they still move. split pin animals

Don’t forget to read your book and listen to lots of lovely stories if you can!

See you soon.