2017 SATS papers for you to try at home

Thank you to all that attended the SATS meeting earlier in the week. We have decided to upload the 2017 SATS tests for you to have a look at and perhaps download in your own time. This will allow you a chance to see how the booklets are set out and what to expect. The children have already completed all of these tests anyway so it shouldn’t be a surprise to them.

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to upload the reading paper or the reasoning paper 2 at the moment but you probably have enough to get on with at the moment!

2017 Arithmetic Paper

Reasoning Paper 2- Unavailable at the moment

2017 reasoning-Paper 3

2017_ Maths mark scheme

2017 Spelling Test

2017 SPAG test

2017 PAG and Spelling Answers

2017 Reading Paper – Unavailable at the moment