Home learning 10.2.22

Here are the activities for those children self-isolating.


Today, we have been solving maths problems using subtraction. Answer the questions on the sheet, completing the number sentence and then circling the correct coins.


We have been writing captions today to match a spring photo. Do a safe search on the internet WITH AN ADULT or look in a magazine for a suitable photo that shows something to do with springtime. What sentence/s could you write to match this photo? Remember to start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. If your fact is fun, then you could end the sentence with an exclamation mark.

We’ve also started to think ahead to our summer sentences. Tell an adult three facts about summer. Can you remember what months are in this season?


We wrote sentences today, as dictated by the teacher, which contained our spelling words for this week. See if you can write these without looking at them!

Yellows: The dog has fur. I got hurt.

Greens: The launch is in August. Paul went to his house.

Blues: The jaunty donkey was fun! I saw a monkey in Autumn.


We are looking again at gurdwaras today and talking about why they are special places for Sikhs. Tell an adult five facts about Sikhs or gurdwaras.

What sorts of things may happen in a place of worship? Draw or write about three different special events that may happen in a church or a gurdwara. You may find it helpful to remember when we turned the classroom into a church for the afternoon!

Have a fab day. x