Home Learning 9.2.22

Here is the home learning for today.


Today, we have been doing some more adding using money. We looked again at how to add two amounts together to find a total. Then, we chose coins to pay this amount. Solve the questions on the sheet, completing the number sentences carefully by looking at the price tags of the items each time.


We have been writing sentences in our information booklets today about spring. What can you remember about the season of spring? Tell an adult three different facts. Can you write these facts as full sentences using a capital letter to start each one and a full stop at the end?


Find a favourite story at home and enjoy reading it with an adult. When you have finished reading, have a chat about the book. Here are some questions to think about:

Is the book a story or nonfiction? How do you know?

If it’s a story, who are the characters? Which character is your favourite and why?

If it’s not a story, then is it an information book? Is it a poem? What are the clues?

What is the title of the book?

What do you like about this book?


We have been talking about climate change today. Do you know what this means? Have a watch of this video: climate change What are the three words beginning with R that can help the planet? Make a poster to teach people about some of the things that they can easily do to save our planet.

Have a fun day. x