Year 6 Home Learning


Today we would like you to work through some of these reasoning questions.

Don’t worry about completing the whole booklet – just try the first 10 questions.  If there are any you can’t do just try your best and let us know when you’re back in school, so that we can make sure we go over them.  We will continue the booklet next week in school.

KS2 Reasoning Test 2a


Please continue your Rosa Parks biography.  You will need to write a paragraph about the events that followed her arrest.

Who paid her bail money?  What plan did they make? What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott? When did it start? How many people joined the protest? How long did it last?

Please try to finish your work with a short paragraph about her later life.  What awards did she receive? When did she die? How old was she when she died?


Please read your book and practise your spellings.


Please try another Born to Move video if you can.

Born to Move