Home Learning 1.2.22


Today you need to continue your biography about Rosa Parks.

Please write a paragraph about her working life.

Tell me:

  • When she left school and why?
  • Who she married and when?
  • What was her job and where did she work?

Then try to write a detailed paragraph about the event which made her famous.

Tell me:

  • What happened during the day?
  • How did she travel home?
  • What happened on the bus?
  • Where was she taken?

Stop here we will continue her later life tomorrow.


I would like you to continue your work on algebra.

You may like to look at the information on missing number problems here to help you.

Missing numbers

Have a look through the attached worksheets.  There are a few different levels – 1Star being the easiest – 3stars the hardest.  Try the 2 star sheet to start then you can try a challenge if you like.

Algebra sheets

Reading – today we had our ‘Reading for Pleasure’ time.  So please choose any book you enjoy and have a lovely time reading it!


Try this link to see if you can try one of the Born to Move classes at home.

Born to Move -Free