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To know that fossils are evidence that some species have adapted over time.

This week, we have been looking at fossils and how they have helped provide Scientists proof/evidence that certain species – over millions of years- have adapted in order to survive their environment. This links to Charles Darwin’s theory on Evolution through a process called ‘Natural Selection’ – or we might say its ‘survival of the fittest’.

What can you remember about fossils? How were they made? Can you name a famous palaeontologist that we looked back at in Year 3 (Clue – her initials are M.A)

Work your way through the PP. Can you remember how fossils are made? You will be looking at two animals and how the have evolved into the creatures we know today.

Fossils PP

Fossils PP 2

The Flatfish- watch the video and read the information about the fish. How has this fish adapted to survive its environment? Jot down notes. Flat fish evolution info

The Horse- Watch the video (links in PP.) Use the template below to order the ancestors. Can you correctly name them and jot down any notes about how the animal has evolved into the common day horse we all know about today? Horse pictures and skeletons for ordering                          Note taking on horse evolution -Group work