Things to ask me…

Things to ask me

Week beginning 24.1.22

From next week I will be putting this on the website for you to access, if you’d like a paper copy, just let me know.

This week we have been sharing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in our English work.

  • can you re-tell the story of Jack and the beanstalk to someone at home?
  • why was Jack’s mum cross with him?(he sold the cow for magic beans)
  • what did Jack take from the giant?(a hen that laid golden eggs and a harp)
  • what special words did the giant say when he thought Jack was near by? (Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman)
  • what happened to the giant at the end of the story? (He fell out of the beanstalk and was never seen again)
  • what happened to Jack and his mum at the end of the story? (They had the hen that laid golden eggs and the harp and became rich)
  • can you think of any words that start with sh
  • how many words can you think of beginning with ch

We have been making up silly sentences using ch and sh, for example: chickens chomp chocolate. or sharks wear shirts made from shells.

  • can you make up a silly sentence of your own for the ch and sh sound?


  • can you remember how to make a paper aeroplane? We used this video to help us.

How to make a paper plane | Craft for kids – CBBC – BBC

  • how could you measure how far it flies? (measure the length using any objects or non-standard units such as toy bricks, teddy bears or footsteps)
  • can you find 5 things that are taller than you.
  • can you find 5 things that are shorter than you.
  • can you order some objects from shortest to tallest, shortest to longest.
Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 sh, ch he, she,we