Born To Move after-school club is now open to year 5’s (as well as year 6’s)

Mrs Hilditch is very excited to announce she has some spaces left in her Born to Move club to offer to any Year 5’s.  Some of you had a little taster of this at the end of last term and it would be lovely to see you there.  It will be mixed with the year 6’s but there should be plenty of space to spread out in the hall. You can book via school money. See below for more details.

Born To Move is a really exciting programme designed by the global fitness company Les Mills.  It is specifically designed for school aged children to help inspire a love of physical activity.  It combines: boxing training, martial arts, dance, yoga and games and is aimed at both boys and girls.

I have completed my official training and in order to use the official Born to Move music and materials I will need to charge a small fee to cover the licence costs.

The club will start on Monday 10th January 3:15pm-4:00pm. It will be £12 per half term.

IMPORTANT:  Year 5‘s are NOT allowed to walk home alone and must be collected at 4pm.
However, if your child is in year 6 and you would like them to walk home alone, please send written permission into school, otherwise please collect your child at 4pm.