Merry Christmas (sort of)

I would like to wish all parents and children associated with Room 7 a very happy Christmas. Obviously I wish I was doing this on Friday. I know I had mentioned us watching a video – the children did this today once we had the news it would be our last day before the Christmas break.

I really want to praise my lovely class. They have worked so hard this term and I am delighted to be their teacher. At some point over the holidays, I will let you know about our topics for next term.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thanks to Mrs. Howland, Miss Lewis and Mrs Green who have all helped me and the class so much during this term.

I hope all of the parents of the children in Room 7 realise they have superstars in their midst.

During the next two days we were going to complete our DT projects (most had done this), watch the video (we did this today), have Crossbar for PE (the children will miss out on this but the lovely Mrs Hilditch took the children for a super lesson today) and complete some seasonal activities.

I have attached some of these if the children would like to complete some at home.

Sheet 1 sheet 2 sheet 3 sheet 4 sheet 5 sheet 6

I hope you all have a super holiday. If you have any questions about Year 5 please feel free to get in touch.

Mr Morris