Home learning 29.11.21

Hi everyone. I hope you’re keeping warm! Here are the activities for those of you needing to self-isolate. Please remember to read your reading book (or a book you have at home) and to keep practising your line for the nativity.


Today in class, the children have been learning to count in ‘lots of’ 2. Start by practising counting in 2s, joining in with this song: Counting in 2s song

Using pencils, Lego bricks or any other similar small toy, give yourself and an adult two of the item each (so you have 2 pencils and the adult has 2 pencils). How many people are there? (2) How many pencils are there? (4). So, 2 lots of 2 are 4. If you have other available children or adults at home, keep adding extra people! Give the extra person 2 pencils. How many people are there? (3) How many pencils are there? (6). 3 lots of 2 are 6. And so on.

Have a go at the sheet, looking at how many pairs of socks there are each time and how many individual socks there would be in that many pairs: How many socks?


Do you have a favourite toy? Listen to this story all about Dave’s favourite toy, Dogger. The story is read by the author, Shirley Hughes.

See if you can answer these questions: Dogger questions


Today we have learnt that the letter ‘i’ can be pronounced in two different ways. The first is as it is in the word ‘dig’ or ‘kit’. The second way that ‘i’ can be pronounced can be heard in the words ‘kind’ or ‘find’. Look at these words. Have a read of them and then sort them according to how the letter ‘i’ is pronounced (kit or kind): alternative-pronunciation-for-the-letter-i-sorting-game

Have a lovely day, everyone. We hope to see you soon. x