Year 5 Home Learning 26 November 2021


Read The Atlantis Hotel text, use the ‘persuasive-brochure-writing-checklist.pdf’ to highlight the features. Remember to use these features when writing your own brochure.

The advert word mat’ has lots of good sentence starters and examples to help you too. Remember you are trying to persuade people to book their holiday with your company! How many paragraphs can you write for your brochure today?


Today we’re revising our times table facts. We were using these yesterday to find factors, prime and composite numbers (can you remember what these are?)

To ‘warm up’ play the battleship game, to test your x table knowledge.

Click on the link and choose a game to practise your x tables:

Multiplication and Division Games for KS1 Children (

As an extension, how many questions can you answer on the ‘Ultimate Division and x Table Challenge’?

If you would like another extension activity, click on the link below which will take you to the Nrich website (this has lots of interesting maths problems to solve):

What’s in the Box? (




Please practise your Week 12 Spellings for next week



Watch this short video about Fairtrade:

Change the world through your choices – Fairtrade Schools

Which would you buy; a banana with a Fairtrade sticker or one without? Do you know the difference?

Did you know that the choice between a Fairtrade banana and a non-Fairtrade banana can make a big difference to the lives of banana farmers in banana-growing regions of the world. By choosing the Fairtrade banana, you know the banana farmer who grew the banana was paid fairly. It is difficult for us to know if the farmer who grew the non-Fairtrade banana was paid a fair price.

All our choices have consequences. Through the small choices that we make every day, they can make a BIG difference in the world.


Can you find out the prices of different Fairtrade foods? How do they compare with similar foods that are not Fairtrade? (I typed in Google ‘how much is Fairtrade food at Tesco’)

Products Fairtrade Item Price Non-Fairtrade Price

What do you notice? Why do you think this is?

Extension: watch this video about a Banana farmer in Columbia

Make Bananas Fair – Fairtrade Schools



Choose a Joe Wicks workout to get those muscles working!