Home learning 25.11.21

Hello, everyone. Here are Thursday’s activities. Don’t forget to read your reading book and practise your spellings too.


This morning, we looked again at the sentences we had written to retell the story of ‘Owl Babies’ and read our work out loud. We also talked about the importance of needing capital letters for names. If you have been off for a few days and have finished writing the story, can you read it out loud to an adult?

Use the owl template to create your own owl. It could be Sarah, Percy or Bill! Choose which one of the owl babies you want it to be and then write the name of the character underneath your picture. In the classroom, we used scrunched up tissue paper and cotton wool. You could use things like this too if you have them. Otherwise, you could turn your owl into Mummy Owl and use some autumn leaves as her feathers. owlet outline


Today, we listened to the story of The Prodigal Son (also known as The Lost Son) from the New Testament. We talked about the messages in this story and what it teaches Christians. Watch the story and answer these questions. The Lost Son

What did the youngest son ask his father for?

What did the youngest son do with the money?

How did the father feel when the youngest son returned home?

What did the oldest son do with his money?

How did the older son feel when his brother came back home?

What do you think are some of the messages in this story? (This is tricky! As a class, we talked about the importance of saying sorry and how happy the father was that his son was safe. We also talked about the need to work hard and not to be wasteful.)


In our phonics session today, we were looking at a-e. Watch the clip from Mr Thorne and join in with sounding out the words: Mr Thorne a-e Can you have a go at writing some of these words if an adult says them aloud to you? Have a look around your house and see if you can find things that have a-e in them!

Have a lovely day, everyone, and keep warm! x