Wednesday 24th November

Hello everyone at home,


Here’s what we’ve been doing in school today.


Letters and Sounds

Go on to the Phonics Play website using the username pps1 and the password apple. Have a go at going through your sounds and tricky words using the flashcards game. Remember we are learning Phase 2 at the moment.

Then we had a go at writing captions to go with a picture. Using your sound mat and word builder, can you sound out and write the following sentences:

pat a dog

peg up the socks

the sun is hot

Then can you have a go at drawing a picture to go along with them.



Today we had a go at ordering our numbers to 10. You might want to start by making flashcards of the numbers up to 10, don’t forget how to form each number properly! Then mix them up and order them up to 10. Could you order them backwards too? Maybe you could take one of the numbers out and see which one is missing.



This afternoon we had child initiated time – so enjoy having a play! We also had a nativity rehearsal, so you might want to have a go at singing some of the songs at home too.


Miss Roberts